Sunday, September 29, 2013

Life After London

Well, in just a few weeks, I'll have my final grades from London. I turned in my research paper last week after having to force myself to finish. If you follow me on Twitter, you saw how terrible it was having to write that thing. I also sent off my book review for the class.

Once those grades come in, London is officially done. It's sad. Every time my mind is empty, I go back to London. People keep asking if I'm going back next year and while I'd love to, it wouldn't be the same. I'd go expecting the exact same people, situations, events, and it wouldn't be that way. I'd want it to be the same people just a second time.
My London MixBook came in, so I look through that quite often. It's like a digital scrapbook. It's 50 pages long and gorgeous.
 Every single thing reminds me of London. I had a game on my phone where I had to guess brands.

Three of the brands I had to identify. I miss all of those. 
Speaking of Milka, the local Market Street sells it! I got my dad hooked on it. It's so amazing. It's just a tiny piece of London back home.

Mostly, all I've been doing is school and theatre. I have three tests this week, but one allows a full printer sheet full of notes and the other is History. Botany is the only scary test. West Side Story is about to end, and after that, I'll get a bit of a break. I haven't gone anywhere fun, so that's been boring. Luckily, the next few weeks have some cool things! I have this app that counts down to different events, so I've been watching closely as some numbers go down.

In less than a week, I'm going to my first convention in Dallas. It's called Fan Days and JOHN BARROWMAN will be there. I'm getting a picture with him. I am so excited. Tom Felton will also be there as well as the Glenn from Walking Dead and Ron Perlman from Hellboy. #nerdstatus

I've also got some family trips coming up that'll be fun. We've got our annual cruise and our annual spring break trip coming up soon, so that's all getting planned. This year, we're cruising out of LA. It'll be the first time we go there, so I think we'll leave early and spent a day hanging out there. We'll go to Puerto Vallarta on the cruise! There's an island I want to visit called Las Marietas. It has a hidden portion that's beautiful.

I'm also so lucky to be able to go to Passion Houston this February! Passion is usually only in Atlanta. It's Louie Giglio's church and this year, it's coming to Houston as well and I'm going to the conference! I saw Louie in London at Hillsong Conf alongside Chris Tomlin. Well, guess what? Chris Tomlin will be at Passion and so will Judah Smith. I wonder how many other college kids can say "I saw you in London and in Houston within the course of one year!" Houston is about 8 hours away, so it's isn't bad at all. My oldest (not age, but length of friendship) is going with me, so that's exciting. We haven't spent time together since the middle of high school when we stopped having classes together. It'll be a great weekend! 

Europe in 600 days isn't 100% confirmed yet, but it's happening. I just need to sign up. I went to Costa Rica on an EF tour when I was a sophomore and this is with the same company. My former newspaper teacher is leading the group. It's a two week tour to Berlin, Prague, and Paris. It'll also go to Dresden, which I'm most excited about because I learned a lot about that city in my WWII classes.

Anyways, I just wanted to post something so that there wasn't over a month between updates. Another will come next week after Fan Days and possibly after the Halloween party. Also after trips, of course. And whenever something fun happens or I cook something neat. Or just when I feel like typing something up.

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